Thursday, December 4, 2008

Report on Mindanao Consultation on UNCRC Monitoring and Reporting and AHRB

I. References:

1. Title of Activity : Mindanao Orientation and Consultation
on the UNCRC Monitoring and Reporting
Process and ASEAN HR Body (AHRB)

2. Implementing Member : MCCoP External Affairs Committee
3. Budget Used :
4. Date of Activity Implemented : November 10-11, 2008

II. Result/Analysis of Implementation:

1. Number of participants disaggregated according to;

a) Sex: Male = 9 Female = 20 Total = 29
b) Age bracket: 25-50

2. Name of Facilitators/RP’s a) Emmanuel C. Roldan
b) Christopher Penales
c) Roldan Gonzales
d) Minerva Cabiles (SCS)
e) Eva Maria Cayanan (SCS)
f) Gingging Valle (Documentor)

3. Major Achievements

The activity generally hopes to provide the participants from the NGO community of Mindanao an overview of the proposed formation of a human rights body under the ASEAN charter and on the monitoring and reporting process of the UNCRC implementation. The activity was able to achieve the following:

a) Deepened understanding on the role and of UNCRC and in the protection and promotion of children’s rights and the UNCRC reporting process;
b) Expressed commitment to work as child rights advocates by using child rights programming, streamlining child protection policy in their own organizations, and ensuring child participation at all levels;
c) Reviewed experiences, samples and processes of monitoring and shadow reporting of NGOs and children of other countries on the UNCRC implementation;
d) Understood and discussed the opportunities of MCCoP and other NGO’s on their involvement and collaboration to the AHRB that has children and women component;
e) Assessed MCCoP and Mindanao NGOs’ capability and standpoint as regards the AHRB and the actions to be undertaken;
f) Identified two of the three members to participate in the consultation with Asian child-rights partners sponsored by SCS in Manila on November 24-25, 2008; and,
g) Clearer understanding of project priorities and the possible organizational changes taking place at SCS family in Asia for the next three years.

4. Major Problems/Constraints:

The activity was launched without major problems or constraints. Perhaps what needs to be clarified is the specific future role of MCCoP on the UNCRC shadow reporting as well as on the ARHB in the future. The glaring data-gap on child protection issues is also a major concern of the group in order to sustain the monitoring and reporting and to make the process meaningful to NGOs and children.

5. Lessons Learned

a) The need to be informed about the regional, national and local efforts on UNCRC implementation, monitoring and reporting;
b) The need to consolidate efforts of NGOs and civil society not only in the AHRB but in realizing all the rights of children;
c) The value of inclusivity and openness to all stakeholders and networks in addressing child rights issues;
d) The value of child participation in all civil society’s efforts.

III. Recommendation and what to do next:

a) Active participation and engagement in the UNCRC monitoring and shadow reporting;
b) Active engagement in the discussion of AHRB at the regional and national levels;
c) Strengthen “standard” data gathering system amongst members and stakeholders;
d) Encourage participation of all sectors of society on child rights issues;
e) Include in the next project cycle of MCCoP its engagement in UNCRC monitoring and shadow reporting, AHRB formation and establishing child protection system at the local level.

Prepared by the
MCCoP External Affairs Committee Dec. 4, 20008

Submitted by:

Executive Director, Tambayan Center
Lead Agency

Uphold the rights of the child, now and all the time!